Dr. Terry L. Wiley, DC, IHS, 511 Main St., Suite #6,Alamosa, CO 81101 PH: (719) 589-5163 EmaiL: [email protected] June 17, 2021

Take away from #1: The Blood Brain Barrier is not developed with infants for several years. Some papers show it is still developing by age 7. Omega 6 ratio to Omega 3 is 2:1, Anything above that can alter normal brain function. Any thing that compromises Blood Brain Barrier can compromise Brain Function. What’s in vaccine, what is non-hormetic toxin?

This week: How many non-hormetic toxins can a child have till there is a real problem? Has this question been ask by top scientist in top universities with real research in current literature?

‘Generations at Risk’, ©MIT, Most adults are able to keep toxins in the blood and they do not pass the blood brain barrier, infants have some defense, but could toxins ’over come’ this newly developing resistance in the infants Blood Brain Barrier? “The hypothalamus has No Blood Brain Barrier and remains vulnerable through out life.” What are solutions other than avoidance? Some solutions will be shared in this report. Russel Blalock’s book, “Some chemicals are quite toxic to the brain.” “Glutamate can cause wide spread destruction of nerve cells, and is normally found in the diet.” “Without Blood Brain Barrier, MSG and other enhancer chemicals would do serious damage to the brain and spinal cord.” “Children may not reach Blood Brain Maturity till adolescence (age 18 ) Law passed that you can not put glutamate in baby food. ‘Ask’, Why Would MSG be in any Vaccine? For your information Aluminum is the top non-hormetic toxin in vaccines that damages the brain. Article from MIT, Aluminum is 7x more toxic to the brain than mercury. ‘The Sanctity of Human Blood.’ By Tim Oshea (anti-vac), and ‘What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children’s Vaccinatons’ by Stephanie Kay, MD. (pro-vac),(However) She states you can not give children vaccines with non-hormetic chemicals that risk damaging the child’s brain forever. Russel Blaylock’s third book, ‘Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life.’ “Flu Vaccines contain 25µg of organic Mercury, (“CDC says the flu vaccine offers little protection against the flu.”) Mercury is taken out of nearly every vaccine except the annual flu vaccine. 2019 the vaccine only benefited 19% of those that got the vaccine. Blaylock “feels the enforced orders to immunize seniors for flu with mercury every year is criminal and the main cause for Alzheimer’s in nursing homes.”

Protection: Blaylock throws in a new player: Glutathione (food) your bodies most powerful protector. Another article, Jimmy Gutman:’Glutathione Your Bodies Most Powerful Protector.’ Oxidative Stress in Aging,’ “The intervention with the greatest lifespan prolongation to date is increased levels of the antioxidant glutathione.”

There aren’t any foods that have glutathione. Glutathione is a protein and it is made by your DNA. Glutathione makes toxins water soluble and you pee and sweat them out. ‘Raise a Smarter Child,’ David Paramater, discusses raising glutathione in children, they get rid of toxins more efficiently and the brain makes better connections, can raise child’s IQ 30 points by age five given Glutathione. If you are going to get vaccinated, raise your glutathione.

Mercury is a bad guy, worse than Mercury is Aluminum, in the book, ‘Diagnosis Mercury,’ Jane Hightower. Vaccines are letting mercury go, but tuna is often high in mercury. Tuna can cross the placenta and cross the blood brain barrier and to the child’s brain. Andrew Wakefield’s book, Vaccines and Autism. GalaxoSmithCline targeted him and his license was pulled and his book can not be sold in his home country, the U.K. ‘Dissolving Illusions’, speaks of sanitation has a lot to do with it, possibly more than vaccines. ‘The Vaccine Court’ explains the National Vaccine and Injury Act of 1986 where you can’t sue the doctor or maker of vaccines.

Autism in 1983 was 1/10,000, now it is 1/34 kids, twice as frequent in boys vs girls. Go to CDC and type in Vaccine Ingredients: Preservatives, adjuvants, aluminum, formaldehyde (causes cancer), MSG, Thimerosal (mercury-annual flu vaccine) WI 38, acetone, yellow #6, ammonia, ethanol, phenol, hydrolyzed porcine gelatin (MSG from pig), detergent, … Book ‘Legally Poisoned’, by Carl Crainer, Prof. talks about children are at greater risk of toxins than adults. Some toxins never enter a mature brain but freely enter developing brain: cadmium and MSG and vulnerability of child’s brain lasts till age 7. Babies are exposed to so many toxins today that it depletes their glutathione making them more vulnerable.

Some babies get toxins and nothing happens, some babies get the vaccine and their life is forever more changed. #1 cause of depleting Glutathione in children is taking Tylenol, generic name: Acetaminophen. Once you deplete the Glutathione, the toxins now in the blood of the child have not resistance to stop them from penetrating the Blood Brain Barrier. Then Neurological damage can occur. Cuba our new neighbor, with dictatorship, highest vaccination rate of all countries, has lowest Autism scores in the world. Tylenol/Acetaminophen is not used in Cuba with children.

Stephanie Seneff, MIT MD, states in her book that aluminum and acetaminophen are the leading causes of Autism. Children get up to 5mg of Alumnium by age 5 with the Booster schedule recommended in the U.S. Not 5µ but 5mg. If the Blood Brain Barrier is compromised the toxins can go straight through to the brain.

2014 J. of Health & Epidemiology, show four countries have spikes in Autism: US, UK, Denmark and Australia, after receiving vaccines with human derived cells. This is called the hockey stick spike. When the human cells, derived from aborted fetuses, are used in vaccines, all reported sharp spikes, Hockey Stick Spike, after receiving vaccine, with children and Autism. The literature reports that the aborted fetus cells have an effect on the Recipients DNA.

The Web site for pharmacies, Backround of Pharmacy states that the ingredients does come from Aborted Fetuses.

Other literature states that vaccines are a major driver of Diabetes.

I attempted to list Authors, titles of books, Articles, credentials, dates and content, for more information, contact me: Dr. Terry L. Wiley, DC, IHS: (719) 589-5163 For help to build your Glutathione and other nutrients and your immune system, come see me.

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